Welcome to my recipe site. My name is Alain Roy. I enjoy cooking for my family. I cook for my wife, children and grandchildren most often, but family and friends also come to see us in beautiful Cobourg Ontario. I'm always excited to cook anything from simple barbecues to fancy dinners, for special occasions or for no reason at all. But with busy lives and distances separating us, I felt it was a good idea to put together a site for us all to share recipes. Since I'm not a professional, some of my recipes are not so great, but sometimes, I hit a home run. This site contains only the good stuff. 

Some of the recipes and ideas on this website are originals, but most are adaptations of recipes I was given by family and friends, or the ones I found in cookbooks, on-line or on TV.   

My love of cooking and food overall, probably came from my mother, who is - to this day - the best cook I've ever known, followed very closely by my wife. Sunday dinners of my youth, shared with family over good French wine really made me fall in love with the whole idea of spending quality time with your loved ones over good food. I hope this site helps you do the same.

Have fun!
